Matt Meyer is a former public school math teacher and small business owner who has served as New Castle County Executive since 2017. As the leader of Delaware’s largest local government, Matt has proven that government can still work for the people– delivering real results for real people and making real progress for Delaware’s working families. Matt is running for Governor to bring that same result-driven leadership across our state by creating an effective government that reflects our values and priorities.
From Wilmington to Kenya and Iraq: Growing up in Delaware, Matt attended schools in the Brandywine School District, followed by Wilmington Friends School, and then studied Computer Science & Political Science at Brown University. He then moved to Nairobi, Kenya, where he learned Swahili and created Ecosandals, a recycled footwear company that sold environmentally friendly footwear to customers in 17 countries on five continents. Matt subsequently spent 12 months in Mosul, Iraq, as a diplomat embedded with the United States Army during Operation Iraqi Freedom and Operation New Dawn.
Teaching in Wilmington: Afterward, Matt returned to Delaware and worked as a middle school math teacher in a public school in one of Wilmington’s most underserved communities. There, he taught sixth and seventh-grade students, many of whom were living in unstable housing and experiencing the devastating impact of gun violence in their neighborhoods. Matt saw first-hand that homework and linear equations were the last thing on his students’ minds when they didn’t know where they were sleeping that night or where their next meal was coming from.
Running for Office: Fed up with unfulfilled promises from politicians and a lack of results for his students and fellow teachers, Matt ran for office for the first time in 2016, defeating a three-term incumbent by challenging party leaders and powerful special interests and knocking on ten thousand doors.
Delivering Results as a Local Leader: As the leader of Delaware’s largest local government, Matt has an unprecedented record of success in delivering results for our communities and families. Matt has proven that the Delaware government can still work for the people, investing in education, expanding access to affordable housing, and standing up to the Trump Administration to deliver locally.
A Proud Husband and Father: Matt lives in Wilmington with his wife, Dr. Lauren Meyer. Lauren is an emergency room physician who has worked in hospitals in New Castle, Kent, and Sussex counties. Just this year, Lauren and Matt had their first child together, Levi, who loves storytime and hates car seats.
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